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HIGH FOLLY, 2020/21.

Jonathan McCree, Jonathan Goddard and Joe Walkling with music by Paul Statham.

'Memory is a fickle friend, and we've been afforded few opportunities to form new ones as of late. But revery comes in the most unexpected forms. While we sit confined in our own proverbial white cubes for the foreseeable future - bored, waiting, idling - McCree's joyful follies open our world to new possibilities, endless in scope, and a vital reminder of the value of daydream.'


Jessica Klingelfuss, January 2021


High Folly is an installation piece from acclaimed artist Jonathon McCree and exhibited by The Sim-Smith Gallery (04/02/21 - 20/03/21)



Paul composed a piece of music 'Suspension' to accompany the above video featured in McCree's installation at the Sim-Smith Gallery London in February



The Art of Possibility

"You can proceed according to a set program or you pick individual possibilities according to your personal taste. After all, there's enough of them. Don't worry if you're never 'done,' because the re-combination could proceed in perpetuity without ever becoming boring."


— Charlotte Posenenske 



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